This operation is designed to improve or preserve the crown of a tree, to allow more light through, to lower wind resistance,
lessen weight within the crown, and to encourage good branch development in young trees
This operation is designed to improve or preserve the crown of a tree, to allow more light through, to lower wind resistance, lessen weight within the crown, and to encourage good branch development in young trees
We now offer Picus 3 Tomographs with Picus 3 digital callipers to give an accurate decay and residual wall reading.
This highly sophisticated equipment can build up a picture of internal decay inside a tree by measuring the speed of sound waves through the timber.
The Tomograph then uses a computer program to produce a two dimensional image that details not only where the decay is but how severe it might be.
A three dimensional image can also be produced by combining multiple Tomographs at various heights on the same tree.
Picus 3 Tomograph is a non-invasive tool for mapping internal decay in trees.
Picus 3 Digital Callipers allow the exact shape of the tree to be measured at the Tomograph point and therefore allow an ACCURATE
picture of decay extent and importantly an ACCURATE measurement of the Residual Wall thickness.
Picus Tomographs without calipers are not accurate and many Local Authorities will not accept them as part of a planning application.
Greentrees Arboricultural Services Ltd
Bridford Wood House, Dunsford
Exeter EX6 7ER
T: 01647 252 753
E: info@green-trees.co.uk